16th October 2024

Search Dunton Bassett Parish Council

Dunton Bassett Parish Council Serving the people of Dunton Bassett

Financial Information

The Parish Council sets a budget each year and this is largely funded from the Coucnil Tax. Council Tax is charged on each property in a parish, and is seen on your annual Council Tax bill. It is used to fund all the activities that a Parish Council undertakes for the benefit of the community. The County Council, District Council, Police and Fire Service also fund themselves through the Council Tax.

At the end of each financial year, the Parish Council is required, in accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations, to complete an Annual Return setting out its Accounting Statements and an Annual Governance Statement. These statements and their supporting documentation are audited by the Council's Internal Auditor and an External Auditor currently appointed by the government.

Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2023-2024

To be completed by Local Councils, Internal Drainage Boards and other Smaller Authorities*: • where the higher of gross income or gross expenditure exceeded £25,000 but did not exceed £6.5 million; or • where the higher of gross income or gross expenditure was £25,000 or less but that: • are unable to certify themselves as exempt (fee payable); or • have requested a limited assurance review (fee payable)

Audit 2023-24

External Auditor Report & Certificate 2023/24

External Auditor Report & Certificate 2023/24

Audit 2022-2023

AUDIT 2021-2022

LE0071: Receipt of documents – notification of exempt status, 2022

This is an automated message to notify you that we have received and logged the notification of exempt status for the year ended 31 March 2022 submitted to us for Dunton Bassett Parish Council. By notifying us that Dunton Bassett Parish Council has claimed exemption there is no review to be performed and consequently no auditor certificate and report, or any other closure documentation, will be issued by us for this reporting year.

The 2021/22 reporting year is the last year of our current five-year contract with SAAA. If we are appointed as your external auditor for the subsequent five-year contract for years 2022/23 to 2026/27, the timetable will be broadly similar to that for 2021/22. If we are not appointed as your external auditor, the successor auditor will contact you directly to notify you of their timetable

Kind regards,

SBA Team

For and on behalf of PKF Littlejohn LLP

T +44 (0) 20 7516 2200


For and on behalf of​
PKF Littlejohn LLP
15 Westferry Circus
London E14 4HD
United Kingdom

Audit 2020-2021

Conclusion of audit notice 2020-2021

Precept and Budget

The Precept is that element of your Council Tax that is paid to Dunton Bassett Parish Council.

Every year, the Parish Council draws up budgets and calculates how much money it needs for the next Financial Year. These are usually finalised at the January Full Council meeting and then submitted to Harborough District Council (HDC).HDC co-ordinates the other demands from Leicestershire County Council, the Police and themselves and come up with the rate to be paid from 1st April of that year.

The precept for 2017-2018 is set and agreed at £7,170.00

The precept for 2018-2019 is set and agreed at £9,851

The precept for 2019-2020 is set and agreed at £10,981.00

The precept for 2020-2021 is set and agreed at £12,390.00

The precept for 2021-2022 is set and agreed at £13,922.00

The precept for 2022-2023 is set and agreed at £15,395.75

The precept for 2023-2024 is set and agreed at £16,164.75

Included in this pack:

Bank Reconciliation
Receipts & Payments Summary
Asset Register
Notes to the Accounts

Items of expenditure above £100


Grant Applications

Risk Assessment policy

Standing Orders Adopted May 2023

Financial Regulations Adopted May 2023


Last updated: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 14:59